Help! My images are not uniformed and look staggered
You may find that when all of your products are displayed next to each other, the products will not all have the same height and may display in a staggered look. This is due to the images having different dimensions and could also be due to product titles or content being unequal.
Image cropping:
– Go to Appearance
– Customise
– Woocommerce
– Product Images
– Select 1:1 which will crop images into a square
Before Image Cropping
After Image Cropping
Content Unequal
Unfortunately, there is no quick fix for this. We can only suggest that you try to keep to a minimum amount of characters for product titles. A maximum of 20 characters is recommended.
– Products
– Quick Edit
– Title
– Change to a maximum of 20 characters
Alternatively, you can also adjust the number of products per column.
– Appearance
– Customise Store
– Product Catalog
– Shop Columns
– Edit the number of columns until you are happy with the display