General store options that you can tweak before going live
Store settings are extremely important as this is the area where you can set the following:
– Your store’s address and which areas or countries you can sell and ship to
– Your tax and currency metrics
– Product settings like allowing reviews or ratings on products or not
– Inventory settings for example how long to hold items for a client who has added to cart but not yet paid or how to handle inventory that is out of stock
– Your downloadable products
– Your shipping settings like charging a flat rate on every order or offering free shipping on certain orders or allowing a local pickup option. You can also set up weight-based shipping on certain paid plans. For more detailed info on shipping, view our article on setting up shipping for your store.
– Payment Settings. Here to you enable various payment types like Cash, EFT, and Card and change the settings to include your bank details for EFT payments and your merchant information for card payments. For more detailed info on payment options, view our article on setting up various payment options for your store.
– Email settings. This will determine how orders are managed and where the order notifications are sent and how they look. Here you can also add your own header and colour options. You’ll need the Hex colour numbers.
To Get Started: Go to “Store Management” Menu and then down to Settings Menu and start editing your settings in that order. Go through each tab and read the various options, making selections that fit with your business.
This video will also show you the basics.
The videos below will help you setup the general, checkout and email settings you need for your store. Where they refer to the “Woocommerce” menu, please go to your “Store Management” menu to find the settings you need.
Go to next article: Test the order process